Skyrim unlock console command
Skyrim unlock console command

The effects of are unknown, but it probably refers to ownership and stolen status. Give a character the specified amount of an itemĮ.g., player.additem 000669A5 5 will add five leeks to your player's inventory. Select one with the mouse in the console, use the prid command, prefix the command with player to target the player character or prefix the command with a RefID to target something else. These commands require a target reference. Toggles display of water (display underwater remains unchanged). Toggles script processing off or on globally.

skyrim unlock console command

When adding markers, the 2nd parameter determines if the ones you add are set as discovered (1, default) or not (0), and the 3rd is all (1) or all but hidden (0,default) (e.g., to add all undiscovered markers without fast travel, enter tmm 1,0,0). Hiding markers hides ALL markers - including the city markers that are automatically visible at the beginning of the game. should be 1 to show all markers, or 0 to hide all markers. It is possible to deselect any target reference by double clicking the same object or area in the landscape, which will cause "tcl" to default itself to target the player.ĭisables and enables AI detection, meaning if it is toggled off, NPCs won't be able to "see" you, or anyone else, even if you're right in front of them or attacking them. This command is targeted if no actor is selected it will turn off collision for the player while keeping other actors stuck in place. You can also move through buildings and even the landscape. Point in a direction and move wherever you want. If used when highlighting an NPC, will transfer control to said NPC, but any command input will be passed in addition to the player unless is used to remove control.Įssentially, you can fly. This command is targeted if no actor is selected it will turn off/on AI processing globally. Toggles AI (Artificial Intelligence) processing off or on.

skyrim unlock console command

The full command name is " SetUFOCamSpeedMult". It looks like you're controlling a character that's controlling another character.Ĭhanges the speed of the free-flying camera (UFO cam)Įxample: sucsm 50 after typing tfc will allow the camera to move about five times faster than its default speed. You control the 3rd person model, but the 1st person arms mimic your swings. It shows your 1st person arms behind your character in 3rd person. Dragon souls are still required for shouts. Gives the character a complete spell book, including the shouts, and unlocks bestial abilities.

skyrim unlock console command

Toggles a 3rd person camera mode that lets you rotate and zoom the camera around the player without changing the direction the player model is facing. These commands toggle settings on and off. Furthermore, all REFIDs, faction, weather etc can be entered without the leading zeros, eg: additem 2299c 1 has the same effect as above.

Skyrim unlock console command